Food - Trends - Inspirations



Sunday Brunch
Aperitif, Starters

Yeast Plait

We enjoy the Sunday. A yeast bread for breakfast is just delicious and very Suisse. To bind a plait has to be learned. I’m too impatient for that. The dough is more important, right? The bread tastes best when butter…

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Chef's Handyman, Apricot Jam

Apricots, sweet-sour

One time they’re super soft and sweet, another time they’re extremely hard and sour. Maybe you might have a tree in your garden if you want to harvest sweet, ripe fruits, right? What about jam? I love it.  The jam…

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Passion Fruits and Vanilla

Refreshing Power-Mix

Passion fruits and vanilla are best friends. The freshness of the passion fruit is perfectly made for yoghurt. Garnished with a handful of nuts, the muesli bowl is ready to go. Sugar is not part of the team. Peppermint leaves…

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