Food - Trends - Inspirations


Main Dishes

asparagus strudel
Aperitif, Main Dishes

Asparagus Season

Wrapped asparagus – crunchy & tasty During the asparagus season, there will be no way out, at least once a week one asparagus dish will be served. Too short is the season. Aside from the soup, every other asparagus dish…

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Quinoa Salad with Roasted Vegetables
Main Dishes, Salads

With Vitamins against the cold

The veggies accept the bet. Oranges embrace the beets. The celery stalks jump in between. Vegetarians splurge with the burrata. Is healthy food boring or tasteless? Not at all, super food and vegetables with the right breeze of spices will…

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Persimmon Curry
Main Dishes

Persimmons, divine fruits

Persimmons also called divine fruits. Some of them are soft others are firm to bite. I like all of them. That’s why my shopping basket always flows over. ‘What do cook with all the fruits?’, I ask myself. Persimmon curry…

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