OllO World Updates. Three major updates have been added to the OllO World app. Thank you for your suggestions, because only through the use of the app and your feedbacks can it grow and benefit everyone.  

1 OllO World Updates Search & Find – Search terms, keywords

Due to some user feedback we have added keywords to the search & find function. So a user can search for terms such as, for example, hiking, day trips, swimming or as usual by text. Test once some terms that come to your mind. You can also search for categories such as food & beverage, hotels, etc. 

Keywords have the advantage that the assignment is clearly defined. The keywords are continuously supplemented. As soon as it becomes apparent that new search terms can be formed on the basis of the pins entered, the OllO World team will implement this. If you have any wishes or suggestions, please contact us. 

OllO World Update
OllO World update – easy search & find
OllO World Update
OllO World Update – easy search & find by keywords

2 OllO World Updates – Rating of the pins

Some of you have told us that a rating is helpful in making a decision. Based on your feedback, we have added a rating to the pin cards. Every user can now rate every pin. The average of all ratings is always displayed. As soon as a new user adds a new rating, the average will be recalculated. 

It was important to us to add pictures and a short comment to the rating. This creates a well-rounded picture.

In this way, the rating is based on these three components: 

  • Rating stars
  • Picture material
  • short comment

3 OllO World Updates – Simplification of the pin structure

The comments of the pins are now only stored under comments and not divided into my comments and comments of others. This simplifies the administration considerably. 


The next step will be the redesign of the OllO World website. This way non-iPhone users can get inspired by a website and virtually walk through the colored pins and paths. Perhaps one or the other travel idea will be found here. 

Chef’s Handyman

We will refine and tune the link between OllO World and Chef’s Handyman this year. Last year and this year, unfortunately, fewer recipes have been posted, we were fully involved in the project work on this major update. 

The OllO World app can be downloaded at the following link in the App Store.

Do you like this excursion on the gourmet trail in Flims as much as we do?

With the loosening up of the lockdown, travel to other countries can be done again. We wish everyone a great summer with lots of new impressions. 

Best regards from your OllO World Team & Chef’s Handyman Team